Inspire HUB

Inspire App
Our Products

Merchant onboarding

Merchants are curated by our team to ensure services and experiences provided are of top quality.

Merchants submit an initial request

The initial request is being reviewed by our team

We connect with relevant merchants for a Q&A sessions

Approved merchants get a link to finish their registration

Our Products

Merchants' dashboard

Merchants can manage their activity on the HUB through the HUB's dashboard.

Create events, services or experiences

Schedule them in your dashboard's calendar

Manage events and participants

View your activity, reports and analytics

Our Products

HUB users

The Inspire mobile app users, are also HUB users. All relevant merchants and services are available for consumption through the Inspire app.

Users enjoy seamless integration between Inspire HUB and Inspire App.

Access to diverse services and experiences directly via the app.

Services cater to a broad range of user needs and preferences.

The platform promotes a vibrant, interactive tenant community.

Offers a convenient, one-stop solution for enhancing tenant lifestyles.

and much more...

I've been able to connect with a diverse and engaged community that values the services I provide. The platform is intuitive and efficient, making it easier for me to focus on what I do best. Inspire HUB has truly transformed the way I run my business and interact with my customers.

I've been able to connect with a diverse and engaged community that values the services I provide. The platform is intuitive and efficient, making it easier for me to focus on what I do best. Inspire HUB has truly transformed the way I run my business and interact with my customers.

Alexis Rose, Yoga Feet

Contact us

Our team at Inspire Labs is here to assist you with any inquiry or question

Contact us